* @module @svizzle/utils/[any-any]-[object-object]
import * as _ from 'lamb';
import {concat} from './array_proto-array.js';
/* re-shaping */
* Return a function expecting an object and returning an object grouping its values using the provided accessor.
* Note that this works by concatenating all values before grouping hence you can also directly index values being arrays (see the second example).
* @function
* @arg {function} accessor - Any -> Any
* @return {function} - Object -> Object
* @example
> regroupedByX = groupValuesWith(obj => obj.x)
> // single values
> obj1 = {
a: {x: 1, y: 2},
b: {x: 3, y: 4},
c: {x: 'a', y: 6},
d: {x: 1, y: 8},
> regroupedByX(obj1)
1: [{x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 1, y: 8}],
3: [{x: 3, y: 4}],
a: [{x: 'a', y: 6}],
> // values as arrays
> obj2 = {
a: [{x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4}],
b: [{x: 'a', y: 6}, {x: 1, y: 8}],
> regroupedByX(obj2)
1: [{x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 1, y: 8}],
3: [{x: 3, y: 4}],
a: [{x: 'a', y: 6}],
* @since 0.6.0
* @see {@link module:@svizzle/utils/[any-any]-[object-object].indexValuesWith|indexValuesWith}
export const groupValuesWith = accessor => _.pipe([
* Return a function expecting an object and returning an index of all its values using the provided accessor.
* Use this if you're sure that applying the accessor on the object values returns unique strings.
* Note that this works by concatenating all values before indexing hence you can also directly index values being arrays (see the second example).
* @function
* @arg {function} accessor - Any -> Any
* @return {function} - Object -> Object
* @example
> reindexedByX = indexValuesWith(obj => obj.x)
> // single values
> obj1 = {
unique1: {x: 'unique1', y: 2},
unique2: {x: 'unique2', y: 4},
unique3: {x: 'unique3', y: 6},
unique4: {x: 'unique4', y: 8},
> reindexedByX(obj1)
unique1: {x: 'unique1', y: 2},
unique2: {x: 'unique2', y: 4},
unique3: {x: 'unique3', y: 6},
unique4: {x: 'unique4', y: 8},
> // values as arrays
> obj2 = {
a: [{x: 'unique1', y: 2}, {x: 'unique2', y: 4}],
b: [{x: 'unique3', y: 6}, {x: 'unique4', y: 8}],
> reindexedByX(obj2)
unique1: {x: 'unique1', y: 2},
unique2: {x: 'unique2', y: 4},
unique3: {x: 'unique3', y: 6},
unique4: {x: 'unique4', y: 8},
* @since 0.6.0
* @see {@link module:@svizzle/utils/[any-any]-[object-object].groupValuesWith|groupValuesWith}
export const indexValuesWith = accessor => _.pipe([
* Return a function expecting two objects to merge using the provided merge function
* @function
* @arg {function} fn - Merge function
* @return {function} - Object -> Object
* @example
> mergeWithSubtract = mergeWith(_.subtract)
> mergeWithSubtract(
{a: 8, b: 3},
{a: 5, b: 2, c: 7}
{a: 3, b: 1, c: 7},
* @since 0.1.0
export const mergeWith = fn => (a, b) => _.reduce(
(obj, [bKey, bValue]) => {
obj[bKey] = _.has(obj, bKey) ? fn(obj[bKey], bValue) : bValue;
return obj;
_.merge({}, a) // copy of a